Earlier this year, at the beginning of Spring, I was contacted by a local architecture and interior design company, ONE17 Design. The practice is based in Armitage Bridge in the Holme Valley, West Yorkshire, in a neighbouring village not far from my home. Alongside their design, structure and management services, the company also produces an in-house, bi-annual lifestyle magazine, NOTES. I have always been aware of this independent publication, with articles on design, photography, food, travel and many other topics. The stories are both refreshing and engaging and I enjoy reading about the people and places that inspire the ONE17 team, many of them from or residing in Yorkshire.

The team behind NOTES got in contact and asked if I would like to be interviewed, for an article they were putting together on independent, local businesses. This would be my first ever "press" feature, so I was delighted they thought my new endeavour was gripping enough to adorn a page or two. An email of draft questions sent me into a slight panic 24 hours prior to meeting the interviewer, however when the time came to sit down and chat all things flowers, I realised there really is nothing to worry about when you are wholeheartedly speaking about a passion. The piece also features two other individuals, Ruby Creagh, a leather bag designer from Hebden Bridge and Paul Banks, a signwriter based in Bridlington. As it turns out, despite the wildly different spheres in which we all work, common themes came to the surface when we were asked about how we manage to run successful businesses in today's tough economic climate. A willingness to work long hours and put up with the isolation this sometimes involves was obvious. The need to be organised was no surprise either. The editor did note however, that a certain stubborn streak was evident in all three of us - perhaps we should call this quiet self-belief.

I do have to say, the expression 'successful' felt a little imprecise. Naivety springs to mind if I were to compare myself to the accomplished florists I have worked with over the past few years. As any new business owner would acknowledge, progression can be steady, and although always increasing, I feel I have a way to go to meet my own expectations of what I would like this business to accomplish. With several engaging and respectable jobs 'in the diary' for 2020, all the while remaining persistent and optimistic, absorbing all I can in this ever-growing floral revolution, then I hope this will undoubtedly stand me in good stead for the future, and lead me to success, however you wish to perceive it.

Attached is the feature below; any feedback is always welcome. You can also find the full magazine link here.

NOTES s/s - Aelisabet Flowers

After this particular issue was published, ONE17 asked if, alongside my own business, I would like to freelance for the company to help with the production of the magazine. I now spend a couple of days a week writing articles and features on a variety of topics for NOTES. The next magazine is currently being produced and will be going to print in early Spring 2020. If you would like to read the latest edition of NOTES, then please find the link here.